I'm a fifth-year math grad student at MIT advised by Mike Hopkins. Before MIT, I completed my undergraduate degree at Harvard and my master's degree through Part III at the University of Cambridge. I am applying to postdocs this cycle!
I'm interested in algebraic topology and physics, including anomalies of field theories and topological phases of quantum matter. I like to think about topological $K$-theory, topological quantum field theory, quantum information, lattice models, and equivariant algebra.
I am a GUMMi mentor and board member and an officer for MIT's Archery Team.
My email can be found here.
Invited Talks
- Twisted Atiyah-Bott-Shapiro Maps - Homotopy Theory Special Session at the Joint Math Meetings 2025 in Seattle - 1.11.24
- Free-to-Interacting Maps and the Bott Spiral - Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications TQFT and Higher Symmetries Seminar - 12.9.24
- Dagger Categories and Higher Spin Statistics - University of Kentucky Topology Seminar - 12.5.24
- Free-to-Interacting Maps and the Bott Spiral - Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics - 10.15.24
- Free-to-Interacting Maps and the Bott Spiral - Ohio State University Online Quantum Symmetry Seminar - 10.8.24
- Free-to-Interacting Maps and the Bott Spiral - Anomalology Online Physics Seminar - 9.17.24
- Equivariant Witt Complexes - Special Session on Equivariant Algebra at Joint Math Meetings 2024 - 1.3.24
- A Long Exact Sequence in Symmetry Breaking - UCLA Condensed Matter Journal Club - 12.6.23
- A Long Exact Sequence in Symmetry Breaking with Yu Leon Liu - Harvard CMSA Quantum Matter Seminar - 11.7.23
Contributed Talks